CPC is proud to host regular lectures on a variety of topics. These great talks are for anyone interested in deepening their faith in Christ.
Register for lectures for free: catholicpacific.ca/cpc3 (registration is not necessary, but it is helpful)
We encourage you to check out the events page to stay informed about the schedule of talks!
"Human Dignity in Creation: Evolution and Metaphysical Form" with Dr. Paul Allen October 28, 2021
Dr. Paul Allen is Dean and Professor at Corpus Christi College, Vancouver, Canada.
In his lecture, Dr. Allen will present a paper on a theological argument that human dignity is best understood within the scope of the theological doctrine of creation, assisted by an engagement with Darwin’s theory of evolution.Human dignity based on human will (Kant), our legal equality with one another (Rawls) or a loose concept of self-transcendence (Tanner et al.) are insufficient. But, as a component part of creation doctrine, human dignity is both a plausible interpretation of our bodily form and a way of expressing the irreducible character of human freedom, ordered to relationship with God. Darwin’s theory of evolution supports a metaphysics of human form, despite the naturalism that runs through his thought.
"Jordan Peterson: Sic et Non" with Ron Dart November 25, 2021
Ron Dart has taught in the department of political science, philosophy, religious studies at University of the Fraser Valley since 1990--he was on staff with Amnesty International in the 1980s. Ron has published more than 40 books, including editing "Jordan Peterson: A Christian Perspective" (2020). Ron also has 2 articles in the newest book on Peterson to be published in November 2021.
Jordan Peterson, more than most, has played a prominent role in public debates since 2016. Many are those who demonize him. Many are those who uncritically genuflect before him. This lecture will reflect on the good that Peterson offers in the culture wars and some of his limitations.